Friday, December 27, 2013

I find myself arriving at a place where the only reality is what we as individuals with our singular vision or as members of a group with a shared vision come to accept as real. On the other hand, I know that if I slam my finger in the car door, it will hurt like hell, or like heaven, or like purgatory. Purgatory is probably the most apt descriptor, since I also know that the pain is temporary and that the injury will also heal. At least that is what my personal historical experience of such events have shown me.

Here are links to two recent reads:

Where does this leave us, when we are at my place? I guess it simply means that we--individually and collectively--have the choice to be nice to one another and the capacity to follow through on that choice. The capacities of individuals and groups--both large and small--vary greatly, but that doesn't let anyone off the hook--even part way--should they choose the path that circumnavigates this place.

The past few days I have been haunted by these and other recent reads and the desire to post a Christmas Holiday note. I don't know if I succeeded, but this is my effort.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
J. Keye

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