Sunday, April 17, 2011

As we approached the 10-hour mark tending the evaporator yesterday, we decided to call it a day even though there are 40 gallons of sap remaining in the bulk tank. The resulting syrup is much darker when compared to our product from earlier in the season. It seems to taste fine, but the color is a bit of a disappointment. Despite temperatures yesterday in the low 30's and intermittent snow showers throughout the day, the sap did run. We plan to get together after lunch today to finish with the evaporating and later to collect yesterday's run and the expected run from today. The forecast continues to indicate the likelihood of runs for the next several days. Today's forecast calls for lingering snow showers this morning before clearing and temperatures in the high 30's. The flurries have come and gone since I've been up, that is, unless they come back again. As we have seen in previous years, Easter can be rather winter-like, which makes it a challenge to outfit oneself in the new spring finery often purchased for the occasion. Maybe that practice is no longer in vogue. My practice has been to work my way through the closet to find a dress shirt, tie, and sport coat--reclaiming items that have served that purpose in years past. Winter's footwear may have been cleaned up, but it is also readily available should the need arise. Yesterday, when I went out to shovel the driveway before heading out to the sugarbush, I found that a bear had gotten into the neighbor's dumpster and dragged three bags of household garbage into our yard so he, she, or they could picnic under the pine trees. Cleaning up that mess--garbage mixed with 3 inches of new wet snow--was the start of my day. This morning, it appears the bear revisited last night. The dumpster is tipped over, but there is no evidence of picnicking, at least in our yard. A blog entry from a neighbor made earlier today reports on a bear visit last night. A bird feeder on their deck provided a late night snack. I am congratulating myself on my good judgment; I took down the feeders earlier this week, when I raked the yard. Was that good judgment or just fortunate timing?

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