Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Dear Senator Ron Johnson,

Earlier today you asked a reporter, "What should he have said?" when the reporter asked about the appropriateness of President Trump's recent comments on the tragedy in Charlottesville, VA. I suspect that you posed the question as a rhetorical question, not wanting an answer, and as an attempt to cut off further discussion, that is, to give the appearance of a response to the question without answering the question.

I will answer your question, rhetorical or not. What the president should have said and what YOU NEED TO SAY, "There is absolutely no moral equivalency between those who advocate for the supremacy of one race, ethnic group, or religion over another and those who advocate for universal civil rights, equal standing before the law, and equal treatment by all agents and agencies within civil society. Any claim to the contrary must be challenged directly and forthrightly."

By the way, you have my permission to use my suggested statement without crediting me in any way.

J. Keye

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