Sunday, March 18, 2012

I did something today that I am quite certain I never did during any previous month of March; I raked much of the yard. Even the sole remaining snowbank at the end of the driveway gave way to the rake. It was the consistency of grits. (That imagery is out of deference to the recent southern primaries.) There have been years when Memorial Day weekend has found me dealing with the last of a snowbank in that particular location.

The temperature this afternoon is 75 degrees; there are three days of rain forecast for this coming week with temperatures in the 60's. I figured it was time to tend to the raking chore. The grass is greening up in places; dandelions are a lovely green in time for St. Patrick's Day; the irises and mystery lilies also show new growth. Raking after things have had a chance for break-out spring growth is more difficult and damaging.

The gutter and downspout was also cleaned. It is somewhat unusual for me to do that chore on a sunny day. I usually do it in the rain when the downspout is plugged and the gutter is running over.

I found four tennis balls in the yard left behind by Roxie, the neighborhood dog, who cruises the neighborhood looking for a "thrower" so that she can be a "retriever." I am convinced that she monitors the neighborhood for the sound of a lawnmower or a snowblower, in addition to simply being on the lookout for someone performing the silent version of these tasks. (She must be into March Madness, because she made no appearance this afternoon.) Roxie always brings her own ball or stick or quickly scarfs up something that will do. At times, her choices are clearly inadequate. On those occasions, I find a wood scrap that works. Now, I have four tennis balls with the winter grim washed off ready to go. I can't figure out how Roxie decides whether to leave the ball or stick behind or to take them with her, when I call it quits and she heads on down the street. There are times, when I have outlasted her, but those have been few. Yes, the city does have a leash law. Am I exposing myself to a charge of contributing to the delinquency of a dog by my participation in this behavior? If I should make the "News of the Weird," when the local "Court News" reports on my day in court as I defend myself in the face of such charges, I will report on the event in this blog. Do you think I will get house arrest to prevent me from going outside to play with Roxie should she be cruising the neighborhood for a partner?

As on most days, rumination results in more questions than answers.

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